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What We Offer Clients

[cz_gap id=”cz_62385″][vc_column_text]Arctez has a fundamental belief in understanding and respecting the context of our clients, and this is evident in every project we design. Our workplace portfolio takes this further with the recognition that design is able to influence business performance positively.

Trends around open-plan, agile, activity-based working and working patterns are often discussed in modern media. It considers a potential return to cellular offices and addresses adaptation plans in times of natural catastrophe, increased disruption of technology and pandemics. At Arctez, we appear to dismiss patterns and instead are truly concerned and excited about the relationship between context and success to create a workplace that is profoundly special and customer-centered.

We also developed a suite of briefing resources designed to take into account aspirational, strategic and practical briefing with a focus on considering an organization’s future work and creating physical space to empower performance. Using use statistics, benchmarks, interviews and a workshop series to engage small or large groups and often support a cultural change management process, our approach is both data-driven and highly consultative. Typical outputs of our comprehensive briefing process will include vision, organizational aspirations, anticipated transition, model of occupancy (including agility where applicable), types of space and ratios and look and feel overview. This data provides a framework on which to measure any design decision.

Our briefing process may be used to advise site selection and the design of a commercial base building if carried out early enough. Our team is specialized in site selection testing exercises and in representing clients in the design context of protecting development and flexibility while negotiating tenancies. We also look for opportunities that are unique to our customers’ needs. More often we are approached to choose between established tenancies and to build from the briefing, through scheme and design development and on site, a commercial fit out design. We are continuously referring back to our briefing sources of context and results in the production of a project to define a design concept and a comprehensive quality, providing a distinctive character that resonates with each customer community.

Our Botswana-wide workplace team provides a range of international expertise from several industries, and we also work between studios to enable us to adapt quickly to projects of different sizes and enable us to use the very best experience for each project.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″ offset=”vc_col-lg-4″][cz_content_box type=”1″ id=”cz_75493″ sk_overall=”background-image:linear-gradient(0deg,rgba(62,38,102,0.74),rgba(62,38,102,0.74)),url(https://arctez.com/storage/2017/07/img6-1.jpg);margin-bottom:30px;”]

Do you have Question?


We embrace projects as opportunities to demonstrate and challenge our vision of ‘materialising tomorrow’. Should you wish to partner with us please send us an email and one of our team members will get back to you.


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